Petroleum Products – Light Naphtha

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MCP annually supplies 350,000 tons of this hydrocarbon liquid. Light naphtha is provided to domestic and foreign markets as the feed for olefin units.

Typical Test Unit Specification Test Method
Paraffinic Wt% Between 86 – 97 GC
Olefinic Wt% max 2 GC
Naphthenic Wt% Between 0.47 – 5.5 GC
Aromatic Wt% max 5 GC
Total sulfur wt ppm max 1260 ASTM D-3120
Analysis Unit limit Test Method
Density @ 15.0 °C Kg/m3 700 max ASTM 01298
Distillation oc   ASTM 086
l.B.P oc 35 min ASTM 086
10 °/o Evaporated Temp oc 60 max ASTM 086
50 °/o Evaporated Temp oc 85 min ASTM 086
95 o/o Evaporated Temp oc 125 max ASTM 086
F.B.P oc 150 max ASTM 086
Residue 0/o Vol 1.5 max ASTM 086
Loss %Vol 1max ASTM 086
Total Sulphur 0/o Wt 0.03 max ASTM 01266
Corrosion 3 HRS 50°C No 1 strip ASTM 013
Vapour Pressure K.Pa 75 max ASTM 032
Mercaphtan Content PPM 25 max ASTM 0322
Colour, Saybolt 20 min ASTM 0156
Paraffins Content %Vol 70 min ASTM 0131
Oleffins Content %Vol 2 max ASTM 0131
Naphthenes Content %Vol 10 min ASTM 0131
Aromatics Content %Vol 5 min ASTM 0131
Lead (PB) P.P.B Uop 40 max 350-68T
C/H Ratio Estimated 5.5 max Calculate
Gum Existent (air jet) Mg/100ml 3 max ASTM 0381