Fertilizers – Soda Ash

Soda Ash, also known as Sodium Bicarbonate with the chemical formula of NA2CO3, is a multipurpose chemical with several applications in different industries.

Soda Ash is mainly applied in glass production procedures. It helps to decrease the melting point of the paste, which is used in the glass formation, as well as the pastiness and luminosity of the glass sheets. This multipurpose chemical is also applied in the production procedure of soaps and detergents as a lubricating agent.
This useful alkali chemical is also applied widely in the production and/or fabrication of other chemical products such as mineral-work procedures, mine excavation procedures, paper paste production, Sodium compounds, water treatment, metal (Iron, Steel, Aluminum, etc.) recycling, textile industries, detergent industry, Metallurgic, and Petroleum product recycling.

Test Unit Min Max
Sodium Carbonate % wt 99.2 99.6
Sodium Chloride % wt 0.3 0.4
Sodium Bicarbonate % wt 0.1
Sodium Sulfate % wt 0.05
Iron ppm 30 40
Loss on Heat % wt 0.2
Moisture % wt 0.2
Ni ppm 30
Cr ppm 10
Mn ppm 10
Cu ppm 30
Total Alkanity % wt 58.12 58.42
Pouring Density g/cm3 0.45 0.60
Test Unit Min Max
Sodium Carbonate % wt 99.2 99.6
Sodium Chloride % wt 0.3 0.4
Sodium Bicarbonate % wt 0.1
Sodium Sulfate % wt 0.05
Iron ppm 30 40
Loss on Heat % wt 0.2
Moisture % wt 0.2
Ni ppm 30
Cr ppm 10
Mn ppm 10
Cu ppm 30
Total Alkanity % wt 58.12 58.42
Pouring Density g/cm3 0.85 1.1
Mesh % wt 20 40
 30 65