LNG is produced by converting natural gas into liquid. MCP supplies 180,000 tons of LNG annually to domestic and foreign markets.

Row | Properties | Unit | Result |
1. | Methane CH4 | % Mol | 91.1300 |
2. | Ethane:C2H6 | % Mol | 6.1100 |
3. | Propane:C3H8 | % Mol | 2.1600 |
4. | lso Butane :1-C4H10 | % Mol | 0.3100 |
5. | N·Butane :n-C4H10 | % Mol | 0.2600 |
6. | lso Pentane:i-C5H12 | % Mal | 0.0000 |
9. | N·Petane:n-C5H12 | % Mol | 0.0000 |
8. | N-Hexane:n-C6H14 | % Mal | 0.0000 |
9. | Nitrogen :N2 | % Mal | 0.0300 |
10. | Oxygen 02 | % Mol | 0.0000 |
11. | Carbon Dioxide :C02 | % Mol | 0.0000 |
12. | Hydrogen Sulphur.H2S | mg/m3 | <0.2 |
13. | Total Sulphur: S | mg/m3 | <0.2 |
14. | Hydrocarbon Ana:lys1s Method = ISO 6974 | ||
15. | H2S &Total Sulphur Analysis Method ASTM 06667& ISO 1973 Average Liquid Temp Prior to Discharge ·c -159.10 Average Density @ Observed Temp (Calculated) Kg/m3 451.79 | ||
16. | Calorific Value Minimum 36.4 MJ/m3 Maximum 40.9 MJ/m3 |